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Our team of asbestos consultants are experts in asbestos surveys of all types, including pre-demolition surveys.

brent delta

Although similar in nature to refurbishment asbestos surveys, demolition asbestos surveys are fully intrusive and will require access back to the shell of the building throughout. The location, condition and extent of all asbestos within the premises should be recorded, as far as safely and reasonably practical to do so. However, given the inherent dangers sometimes encountered, specialist access equipment or contractors may be required to facilitate the inspection.

Due to the extent of the intrusive inspection required, the premises must have been fully vacated before our surveyors embark on the site.

The objective of this type of survey is to provide the location and quality of asbestos-containing materials for the basis of a removal specification. Franks Portlock consultants would be more than happy to assist you with this.

Get in Touch

If you need a pre-demolition survey please get in touch by leaving us a message and one of our team will get back to you shortly. Or feel free to get in direct contact through;


Tel: 0191 419 3116