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management surveys

Paragraph 50 of the HSE, ‘Legionnaires’ disease’ The control of legionella bacteria in water systems, Approve Code of Practice L8 states:

Inadequate management, lack of training and poor communication are all 
contributory factors in outbreaks of legionnaires’ disease. It is therefore important
that the people involved in assessing risk and applying precautions are competent,
trained and aware of their responsibilities.

Therefore, it is imperative that all those involved in the management and implementation of the control of Legionella bacteria within your organisation are fully trained and deemed competent to undertake their roles. 

Please note it is your responsibility to:

  1. To assess the training needs and requirements of your staff, this can be in conjunction with Franks Portlock Consulting Ltd.
  2. To complete regular reviews of your staff training records, this can be in conjunction with Franks Portlock Consulting Ltd.
  3. To complete regular competence assessments for specific tasks and identify further training requirements and format, e.g., theory, practical, etc.
  4. To determine if the content of any training offered meets the requirements.
management surveys

Franks Portlock offer a half day training course that covers the following topics:

  • Introduction
  • What is legionella
  • History of Legionellosis
  • Route of infection
  • The Causative Chain
  • Assessing the Risk
  • Legislation & control measures

There is also a written examination (26 open book questions) Pass criteria is 80%

Legionella Control Association

Franks Portlock Consulting are registered with the LCA to provide all services described. A copy of our current LCA certificate and the LCA code of conduct can be obtained by visiting the LCA website

Get in Touch

If you need legionella awareness testing, please get in touch by leaving us a message and one of our team will get back to you shortly. Or feel free to get in direct contact through;


Tel: 0191 419 3116