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We have been Lynemouth Power Station’s asbestos consultant since 2010, at which time we were initially hired to carry out re-inspection works to help their compliance in accordance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations.

During this time, we also worked on their programme of converting from coal to biomass generation, which would enable the site to generate safe and sustainable energy for the UK national grid. Working with Kaefer Ltd, the project consisted primarily of asbestos refurbishment and demolition surveys for three boiler units and associated infrastructures to be completed before the conversion could take place. We also conducted a programme of air monitoring where needed to support contracting operatives risk assessments.

We provide close and dedicated support throughout all our projects and to ensure a consistent approach to planning and communication, a dedicated project manager was assigned for the duration of the works. They provided a single point of contact for all stakeholders and were responsible for resolving issues that may cause delays to the implementation of surveying or analytical requirements. Additionally, our regional manager provided senior level support, attending weekly planning meetings when significant changes occurred and monthly review meetings.

Most recently we have been working with Lynemouth Power Station and Mark One Consultants to move its historical asset and asbestos data to TEAMS (The Electronic Asbestos Management System) database. This will allow us to create an asbestos management plan for the future, as well as creating an online, paperless system.

We are pleased to be supporting Lynemouth Power Station in this and future works.

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